Overview of the main research tasks to be carried out in the IKSP between 2020 and 2023
Factors of recidivism and the process of desistence in the context of conditional release from imprisonment |
The institution of conditional release in application practice |
Electronic monitoring system in the application practice of the Czech Republic |
Children under the age of fifteen in the juvenile justice system |
Application of the new differentiation in the prison system (reduction of the number of prison types) |
Penological research on the preparation of convicts for release |
Follow-up of penitentiary and post-penitentiary care for convicted drug users |
Analysis of the functioning of the security detention |
Development of crime and penal policy |
Research on victims of crime |
Public views on selected issues of penal policy and crime prevention |
Criminological research on perpetrators and victims of domestic and gender-based violence (DGPN) in the Czech Republic |
Assessment of crime trends |