JUDr. Petr Zeman Ph.D.
He has been with IKSP since 2000 and has been the Research Group Leader since 2012. He was appointed Director of IKSP in 2020. His research activities focus mainly on drug-related crime, drug policy, the treatment of dangerous offenders and the functioning of the criminal justice system. He is a member of the Steering Committee and Secretary of the Czech National Group of the International Society of Criminal Justice (AIDP), a member of the Czech Society of Criminology, and a member of the European Society for Social Drug Research. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague, where he also obtained a doctorate in criminal law, constitutional law, criminology and criminalistics.
E-mail: PZeman@iksp.justice.cz
Phone: +420 257 104 404
Mgr. Jan Rozum
He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Charles University. In IKSP he focuses on criminal and sanction policy, alternative sentencing and diversion, restorative justice, resocialization and recidivism. He is currently involved in research on the issue of conditional release, for which he is also the principal investigator, as well as research on the factors of recidivism and the process of leaving a criminal career. He is a member of the Czech Society of Criminology, where he serves as Chairman of the Control Commission
E-mail: JRozum@iksp.justice.cz
Phone: +420 257 104 402
Mgr. Eva Biedermanová
Graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Her work focuses on penology, which also profiles her publishing activities. She is currently involved in research teams focusing on hate crime and delinquency of children under 15. She is a member of the Czech Society of Criminology.
E-mail: ebiedermanova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel: +420 257 104 607
PhDr. Šárka Blatníková
She graduated in psychology from Charles University in Prague and Masaryk University in Brno. Currently, she is involved in research at IKSP, which focuses on offenders who have been imposed security detention and quasi-compulsory treatment, focusing on topics in the field of forensic psychology. She is a expert witness specializing in criminal psychology. She is a member of the Czech-Moravian Psychological Society, the Czech Criminological Society and serves on the presidium of the Association of Forensic Psychologists of Bohemia and Moravia.
E-mail: SBlatnikova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 609
Lucie Černá
Secretariat, admistrative agenda. She is a support for researchers, provides administrative work in connection with the performance of research tasks, participates in the technical editing of publications published in the IKSP edition. She is assistant to the IKSP Director
E-mail: LCerna@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 404
JUDr. Simona Diblíková
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague, where she also holds a doctorate in criminal law. Her research focuses on youth crime, criminal policy, alternative sentencing and restorative justice. She is a national correspondent for The European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics and a member of the Czech Society of Criminology.
E-mail: SDiblikova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 612
PhDr. Lucie Háková, Ph.D.
She graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague, majoring in sociology, where she also received her PhD. In IKSP she is mainly involved in the analysis of the presentation of crime and its punishment in the media, criminal policy and public opinion. She is also involved in penological research. She is a member of the Czech Society of Criminology and the Czech Sociological Society.
E-mail: LHakova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 509
Mgr. Jakub Holas
He graduated from the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. He specializes in the issues of delinquent behaviour of children and adolescents, youth subcultures, regional specifics of defective phenomena and crime prevention. For research tasks solved in IKSP within the Medium-term Research Activity Plan for 2020 to 2023, he has been appointed as the head of the research group. He is a member of the Czech Society of Criminology and the Czech Sociological Society, where he participates in organizing seminars of the Section of Social Pathology.
E-mail: JHolas@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 602
JUDr. Jana Hulmáková, Ph.D.
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, where she studied in the Master's degree programme in Law and in the Doctoral degree programme in Theoretical Legal Sciences in Criminal Law. Her research focuses mainly on the issue of juvenile delinquency and societal responses to juvenile delinquency, as well as criminal and penal policy in general. She is currently involved in research projects focusing on: the treatment of children under the age of fifteen in the youth justice system, for which she is also the principal investigator, on parole and on monitoring trends in penal and sanctions policy. She is a member of the Czech Society of Criminology and the Czech Sociological Society.
E-mail: JHulmakova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 614
Mgr. Bc. Kateřina Juricová
Manager of the Economic Department.
E-mail: KJuricova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 503
Mgr. Kateřina Kudrlová, Ph.D.
She graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences, in the sociology programme and from the Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague, in the doctoral programme in criminal law, criminology and criminalistics. In IKSP she is working on the issue of cybercrime, currently she is the responsible researcher of the research Current forms of cybercrime and its victims. She is a member of the Czech Society of Criminology.
E-mail: KKudrlova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 506
Mgr. Kristýna Makovcová
Je absolventkou oboru sociální práce na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. V IKSP působí na pozici specialisty pro transfer vědeckých poznatků. Na starosti má zejména prezentaci výzkumných poznatků IKSP navenek a komunikaci a spolupráci s pracovišti pro PR.
E-mail: kmakovcova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 604
Ing. Jana Mrázová
Human Resources Officer, Economics Officer.
E-mail: JMackova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 502
Mgr. Martina Novopacká
V IKSP pracuje od roku 2017, přičemž od roku 2013 zde působila jako stážistka a externí spolupracovnice. Absolvovala zahraniční studijní stáže v oboru systém trestního soudnictví a penologie na univerzitách v Miami a v Granadě. Působí jako poradkyně pro oběti trestných činů v Probační a mediační službě a zabývá se především problematikou viktimologie, domácího násilí a penologie. Je absolventkou sociologie na Filozofické fakultě UK v Praze, kde dále pokračuje v doktorandském studiu.
E-mail: MNovopacka@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 222
Mgr. Viktorie Paloušová
V IKSP pracuje od roku 2022, nicméně již v roce 2013 zde absolvovala studentskou stáž a v období 2019–2020 externě spolupracovala na projektu o kyberkriminalitě. Zaměřuje se na témata spojená s problematikou delikvence mládeže a domácího násilí. Je členkou České kriminologické společnosti, České sociologické společnosti a EKS. Je absolventkou sociologie na Filosofické fakultě UK v Praze, kde pokračuje v doktorském studiu a také vyučuje.
E-mail: VPalousova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 222
Mgr. Hana Přesličková
V IKSP pracuje od roku 2003 a zpočátku se zaměřovala na témata obchodování s lidmi a zabezpečovací detence v ČR. V současné době se věnuje především tématu zaměstnávání osob s trestní minulostí a gendrově podmíněnému násilí. v letech 2001–2002 pracovala v Českém helsinském výboru. Absolvovala Právnickou fakultu UK v Praze.
E-mail: HPreslickova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 107
Mgr. et Mgr. Tereza Raszková
V IKSP působí od roku 2018, kde se věnuje zejména výzkumům z penologické oblasti. Od roku 2006 pracovala v oblasti nepodmíněného výkonu trestu odnětí svobody (VS ČR) a zároveň působila na Pedagogické fakultě UHK, kde se věnovala pedagogické a publikační činnosti v oblasti penologie a postpenitenciární péče. Je členkou České kriminologické společnosti a České sociologické společnosti. Je absolventkou Pedagogické fakulty UHK v oborem Sociální pedagogika a Sociální pedagogika se zaměřením na etopedii.
E-mail: TRaszkova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 611
JUDr. Michaela Roubalová, Ph.D.
She graduated from the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava. In 2009 she obtained a doctorate in criminal law, specialization in criminology. In IKSP, she focuses mainly on drug crime and related addiction topics, and on the field of victimology. Since 2016, she has been leading the Czech national research on victimization, which is being implemented by IKSP with the ambition of regular repetition. She is a member of the European Society for Social Drug Research and the Czech Society of Criminology.
E-mail: MRoubalova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 513
PhDr. Miroslav Scheinost
He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague, majoring in sociology-ethnography. In IKSP he researches organized crime in the Czech Republic, criminality of foreigners, illegal migration, prevention and economic crime. Currently, he leads a research team that focuses on analysing crime trends in the Czech Republic. He is involved in the activities of several scientific and editorial boards at home and abroad. He is a member of The Colloquium Group on Cross-border Crime in Europe, the European Working Group on Organisational Crime (EUROC), the Czech Sociological Society and the Committee of the Czech Society of Criminology.
E-mail: MScheinost@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 605
Mgr. Michal Špejra , LL.M.
Graduated in Special Education at Charles University. In IKSP she is mainly involved in the topics of mediation, restorative justice, probation and electronic monitoring. He is currently involved in research on parole and restorative programmes. He is a member of the Czech Society of Criminology.
E-mail: MSpejra@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 615
PhDr. Jan Tomášek, Ph.D.
He studied pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University in Prague, where he received his PhD in 2008. In IKSP, he focuses mainly on the issues of criminal career and desistance, probation and restorative justice. He is a member of the Czech Society of Criminology and has been its vice-president since 2022.
E-mail: JTomasek@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 510
PhDr. Kazimír Večerka, CSc.
Od roku 1973 pracuje jako výzkumný pracovník v IKSP. Zabývá se zejména problematikou kriminality mládeže a prevencí kriminality. Přednáší na katedře sociální práce Filozofické fakulty UK v Praze problematiku rizikových skupin, rizikového chování a sociálních deviací, a na Právnické fakultě UK v Praze v rámci kurzu kriminologie. Je členem řídícího výboru České sociologické společnosti a předsedou její sekce sociální patologie. Je absolventem Filozofické fakulty UK v Praze, oboru sociologie – filozofie, v roce 1987 získal titul kandidáta právních věd.
E-mail: KVecerka@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 601
Mgr. Jiří Vlach
V IKSP pracuje od roku 2005. V rámci své výzkumné činnosti se zaměřuje především na problematiku trestní politiky, využívání alternativních sankcí a kybernetickou kriminalitu. Je členem České kriminologické společnosti. Je absolventem Právnické fakulty UK v Praze.
E-mail: JVlach@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 606
Mgr. Petra Zhřívalová, Ph.D.
V IKSP působí od roku 2018 a je absolventkou Právnické fakulty UK v Praze. Věnuje zejména výzkumům z penologické oblasti.
E-mail: PZhrivalova@iksp.justice.cz
Tel.: +420 257 104 513