International cooperation
IKSP is a common partner for foreign or international research institutes, professional societies and governmental and non-governmental organisations to obtain relevant knowledge about the state and development of crime and related phenomena in the Czech Republic, the system and functioning of the Czech criminal justice system, etc.
Involvement in international working groups, platforms and projects
As the only institute in the Czech Republic dealing systematically with research in the field of criminology and criminal justice, IKSP is often the recipient of requests for involvement in various international projects in related fields, in which the participation of a partner from the Czech Republic is envisaged. The main objective of IKSP's involvement in such activities is to contribute to the fulfilment of tasks arising for the Czech Republic from international obligations or membership in international institutions, and to represent Czech criminology and the justice sector abroad.
In this way, IKSP staff are involved in the following international activities as part of their work and research activities in IKSP:
- National Correspondent of The European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics. This continuous project was established in 1996 on the initiative of the Council of Europe and is also supported by the EU. It produces a comprehensive yearbook with data on crime and criminal justice in European countries in a uniform structure over several years.
- Membership of the inter-ministerial group on the implementation of the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), a project of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNIDC), where the Czech Statistical Office is the national coordinator.
- Membership of the steering committee of the project Cultures Of Victimology: understanding processes of victimization across Europe. This is a pan-European project of The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), supported by the EU, with the aim of increasing knowledge of victimization and victimization in European countries.
- Membership of the national group of the international project Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change. This is a project that was established in 2019 as a joint platform of the European Forum for Restorative Justice and nine European countries, whose main objective is to support the development of restorative justice at national level, to share experiences, to activate different actors in the field of criminal justice and to develop a national strategy for the widespread application of restorative justice.
IKSP cooperation with foreign countries*
Due to the subject of IKSP's activities, we are contacted by representatives of foreign research organisations, criminal justice units, state administration bodies, academic departments or non-governmental non-profit organisations visiting the Czech Republic with a request to provide information on criminological research, crime and criminal justice in the Czech Republic. These contacts take the form of lectures, talks or appearances at events organised for foreign participants by other organisations.
In some cases, the foreign partner expresses an interest in formalising this type of cooperation in some way. Currently, IKSP has a memorandum/agreement on cooperation in this area with the General Directorate of the Prison and Judicial Guard of the Slovak Republic, the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava, and the Crime Prevention Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea.
* IKSP, as a departmental research organisation, is not involved in direct representation of the Ministry of Justice or the Czech Republic in meetings of EU or other international institutions and bodies. With regard to the preparation of various documents with international themes, when necessary and relevant to the issues we deal with, IKSP provides them to the Ministry of Justice, usually at its request and through its relevant section.
Membership of international professional societies and institutions
IKSP is currently a member of:
- The International Society of Criminology (ISC). The ISC is an organisation of criminologists and criminological institutions worldwide. IKSP is a collective member of the ISC, which enables it to have broad contacts with the development of the field, research results and current initiatives of criminology in relation to criminal justice and criminal law.
- International Society of Criminal Law (Association Internationale de Droit Pénal - AIDP). This international professional institution in the fields of criminal policy and criminal law codification, comparative criminal justice, international criminal law and human rights in criminal justice. The IKSP is a collective member of the AIDP, which gives it the opportunity not only to follow trends in the development and conception of criminal law, but also to participate in the creation of these trends. In addition, IKSP plays the role of the organizational background of the Czech National Group of the AIDP, its representative is a member of the Steering Committee and the Secretary of the National Group.
- The World Society of Victimology (WSV) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation with consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and the Council of Europe. The Czech Republic is represented in this organisation only by IKSP.
- International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC). Its aim is to facilitate more effective advocacy of the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme through scientific institutions and international organisations whose activities affect this area.
- European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN): The work of this organisation contributes to the development of various aspects of crime prevention at EU level and supports prevention activities at local and national level in each EU country.
In addition, IKSP staff are individual members of several other international professional organisations such as the European Society for Social Drug Research (ESSD), The Colloquium Group on Cross-border Crime in Europe, and the European Working Group on Organisational Crime (EUROC).
Research needs of the Ministry of Justice and the Czech Republic funded from international sources
Although IKSP is a departmental research organisation, it seeks multi-source funding within its capabilities and especially its administrative capacity, which brings savings to its budget. One of the possible sources of funding for IKSP research activities outside the budget chapter of the Ministry of Justice is grant funding from international sources for the implementation of specific research tasks covering the research needs of the Ministry or the Czech Republic in general. In 2020, the IKSP launched the research task "Perpetrators and Victims of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence", a so-called pre-defined project funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme 2014-2021, the form of which was discussed and approved with the founder (Ministry of Justice), the Ministry of Finance and Norwegian donors (PDP7). Its completion is planned for mid-2024.