Main research objectives for the period 2024 to 2028
The medium-term plan of research activities of the IKSP for the period 2024 to 2028 focuses on the areas that have been evaluated, not only by the users of our results, as those that appear to be the most relevant or potentially most relevant in terms of the situation in the field of crime, its control and prevention. The five thematic areas will be fulfilled during the duration of the medium-term plan by specific research tasks, a list of which, including annotation and expected duration, is also provided here on our website.
Our research themes
Note: in contrast to previous medium-term plans, there is no separate thematic area devoted to penological research, as this area is entrusted primarily to the Prison Service of the Czech Republic (see the Act on the Prison Service and the Court Service of the Czech Republic or the Concept of the Prison System until 2025). However, penological issues are naturally intertwined with practically all thematic areas, many individual research tasks are fully or partially penologically oriented and will be solved in close cooperation with the Prison Service of the Czech Republic.