Czech National AIDP Group
Chairman of the ČNS AIDP z.s.:
Prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Fenyk, Ph.D.
Steering Committee:
Prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Fenyk, Ph.D.
Prof. JUDr. Věra Kalvodová, Dr.
Prof. JUDr. Jan Musil, CSc.
JUDr. Petr Zeman, Ph.D.
Executive Secretary:
JUDr. Petr Zeman, Ph.D.
From the activities of the AIDP:
History of the AIDP
The Association Internationale de Droit Pénal (AIDP) was founded in 1924 and accredited as a non-governmental organization to the United Nations in 1950. The AIDP currently has more than 3,000 individual members in about 100 countries from among lawyers, criminologists, penologists and experts in other social sciences or those working in the field of criminal justice. In addition to individual membership, legal institutions, research institutes, university departments, etc. are registered as collective members.AIDP national groups are active in 49 countries, including the Czech Republic.
The Czech National Group of the Association Internationale de Droit Pénal (ČSN AIDP) is a registered association, founded in 2002. After the partition of Czechoslovakia and at the beginning of the new millennium, there was a joint Czech-Slovak national group, but its activities have somewhat stagnated in the last years of its existence. This situation necessitated an expedient reorganisation and the process of splitting the national group into a separate Czech and a separate Slovak group was therefore initiated.
The object of the association's activities is to study the state and development of criminal law at home and abroad, including international criminal law, and to support institutions and legislation in this area in order to increase the effectiveness of the protection of society while respecting the principles of humanism and human rights. It participates in the activities of the AIDP cooperates with other national groups and also organises its own events and implements its own programme of activities within the framework of the objectives and mission of AIDP.
The AIDP Czech National Group is always open to new applicants for membership. Membership is open to any person who, especially due to his/her employment, position or function, intends to actively participate in the activities of the Association or whose focus can contribute to the fulfilment of the objectives of the Association. As in AIDP itself, members of the national group may be individuals (individual membership) as well as relevant professional, research, educational, etc. Membership in the Society is established by a resolution of the Steering Committee to admit an applicant to the Society on the basis of an application submitted by the applicant. Membership is also conditional on payment of a membership fee, the amount of which is set for each calendar year by resolution of the general meeting.
Česká národní skupina AIDP je stále otevřena novým zájemcům o členství. Členem spolku může být každý subjekt, který se zejména vzhledem ke svému zaměstnání, postavení, nebo funkci hodlá aktivně podílet na činnosti spolku, případně svým zaměřením může přispět k naplnění cíle činnosti spolku.
As in AIDP itself, members of the national group may be individuals (individual membership) as well as relevant professional, research, educational, etc. institutions (collective membership).
Membership in the association is created by a resolution of the Steering Committee to admit an applicant to the association on the basis of an application submitted by the applicant. Membership is also conditional on payment of a membership fee, the amount of which is set for each calendar year by resolution of the general meeting.
Individual members:
- JUDr. Eva Brucknerová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. David Čep, Ph.D.
- JUDr. Ing. Miloš Černý
- Prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Fenyk, Ph.D.
- Prof. JUDr. Tomáš Gřivna, Ph.D.
- JUDr. Milana Hrušáková, Ph.D., LL.M.
- Prof. JUDr. Jiří Jelínek, CSc.
- Prof. JUDr. Věra Kalvodová, Dr.
- Prof. JUDr. Vladimír Kratochvíl, CSc.
- Mgr. Ondřej Múka
- Prof. JUDr. Jan Musil, CSc.
- Doc. JUDr. Ladislav Pokorný, Ph.D.
- JUDr. Ing. Daniel Prouza, Ph.D.
- JUDr. Jan Provazník, Ph.D.
- JUDr. Bc. Jiří Říha, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Karel Steiner
- Prof. JUDr. Pavel Šámal, Ph.D.
- JUDr. Miroslav Špecián, Ph.D.
- JUDr. Jiří Teryngel
- Doc. JUDr. Jana Tlapák Navrátilová, Ph.D.
- JUDr. Petr Zeman, Ph.D.
Collective members:
- Česká advokátní komora
- Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci
- Nejvyšší státní zastupitelství
- Policejní akademie ČR, katedra trestního práva
- Právnická fakulta MU v Brně, katedra trestního práva
- Právnická fakulta UK v Praze, katedra trestního práva
- Právnická fakulta UP v Olomouci, katedra trestního práva
- Právnická fakulta ZČU v Plzni, katedra trestního práva
Honorary members:
- JUDr. Zdeněk Karabec, CSc. (in memoriam)
- JUDr. Otakar Motejl (in memoriam)
- JUDr. Bohumil Repík, CSc. (in memoriam)
History of AIDP
The history of the AIDP begins on 24 March 1924 at a meeting of a group of representatives of the doctrine of criminal law in Paris, when the society was founded. Already at its inception, the AIDP declared itself the successor of the l'Union Internationale de Droit Pénal, founded in Vienna in 1889 by the eminent professors of criminal law Franz von Liszt (Germany), Gerard van Hamel (Holland) and Adolphe Prins (Belgium). It has gradually established itself as a major international professional institution in the following fields:
Criminal Policy and Codification of Criminal Law,
comparative criminal justice,
international criminal law,
human rights in criminal justice.
The influence of the AIDP on the development of criminal law in a number of countries is undeniable, particularly in terms of codification work and reforms of existing law. The principles on which the general part of the continental criminal laws are conceived, e.g. as regards the foundations of criminal liability, the concept of crime, the principles of punishment, the system of sanctions, etc., were theoretically deepened and refined in the many expert forums organized by the AIDP in the period before and after the Second World War. The AIDP greatly appreciates its initiative and its efforts in the field of international criminal law, which led to the adoption of a number of international conventions at the United Nations (e.g. the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment) and, subsequently, to the establishment of the permanent International Criminal Court (see the conclusions of the Diplomatic Conference held in Rome from 15 to 17 June 1998).
AIDP has been accredited as an NGO by the UN since 1950, is a member of the Association of UN NGOs involved in a number of activities of UN bodies in the field of crime prevention and treatment of offenders, and has consultative status with the Council of Europe bodies.
Česká národní skupina Mezinárodní společnosti pro trestní právo, z. s.
Czech National Group of A.I.D.P.
IČ: 26598469
sídlo: IKSP, Náměstí 14. října 12, 150 00 Praha 5, Česká republika
tel.: + 420257104404
bank. spojení: KB a.s., pobočka Praha 5, Za Ženskými domovy 3379/1
č. účtu: 276608670237/0100