Violent crime of children under 15 years of age

The present publication is an exposition of the findings of empirical research conducted at the IKSP. The research is empirically substantiated by means of an analysis of statistical data, court records, a questionnaire survey of experts working with juveniles in the juvenile justice system and in protective custody, and public opinion research in this field. The publication focuses on the issue of violent crime among criminally neglectful children under the age of fifteen. In the introduction, the main concepts of violent crime and aggression are defined, and in a theoretical outline of the basic factors that influence them, the authors offer a description and analysis of The publication goes on to analyse trends in violent crime among this age group in the Czech Republic, including questions related to whether there are changes in its structure in the long term, or whether there is an increase in the severity of violent crimes committed by these groups.
Jana Hulmáková: Eva Biedermanová: Jan Tomášek: Jiří Vlach: Ilona Voldřichová
Edition series STUDIE
Year of publication
violent crime: youth crime