14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

This publication is a translation of selected studies published on the website of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. In a declaration adopted at this Congress, UN Member States recalled the Doha Declaration's guiding principle of integrating crime prevention and criminal justice into the broader UN agenda to address social and economic challenges, to promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and to promote public participation. They expressed deep concern that crime is becoming increasingly transnational, organised and complex and that criminals are increasingly using new and emerging technologies, including the Internet, to carry out their illegal activities, creating unprecedented challenges in preventing and combating existing and new and emerging forms of crime. This has highlighted the need for early adaptation and strengthening of the international legal framework for international cooperation in criminal matters. Therefore, from a number of documents discussed at the congress, we have selected for publication in Czech translation, in addition to the basic document - the Declaration - those documents that deal with crime prevention strategies, risks and challenges facing criminal justice systems, international cooperation, especially in the fight against terrorism and new and emerging forms of crime, as well as issues of reducing recidivism and current forms of crime, especially those using new technologies.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Editorial series PRAMENY
Year of publication