Possibilities of determining the rate and structure of secondary drug crime in the conditions of the Czech Republic
The monograph summarizes the results of the research project of the same name. The book is divided into six thematic chapters in accordance with the project's focus. The introductory part of the book presents criminological findings in the field of substance-related crime. The aim was to map the theoretical approaches and practical procedures for measuring the extent and characteristics of drug-related crime used abroad, in the context of the possibilities of identifying and quantifying SUDs in the Czech Republic. The next two chapters provide an overview of studies and recording systems potentially useful for estimating the extent and structure of SUDs in the Czech Republic, including a description of existing procedures used in the Czech Republic to produce estimates of secondary drug-related crime and an assessment of the quality and availability of data from each of the identified sources. In the following chapter, a new concept of the theoretical definition of SDK is presented. Attention has also been paid to the definition of the concept of secondary drug crime itself for the needs of practice, in the context of foreign and domestic concepts and with regard to the specifics of this type of crime. The last two chapters are devoted to defining the optimal procedure for determining the level and structure of SDK in the Czech Republic. In the final part, the methodology of data collection is presented, including a description of possible pitfalls and limitations.
Roubalová, Michaela:Grohmannová, Kateřina:Trávníčková, Ivana:Zeman, Petr
Editorial series STUDIE
Year of publication
data collection:secondary drug related crime:guidelines:statistics:categorization