Analysis of crime trends in the Czech Republic in 2022

The IKSP annually produces an analysis of crime trends in the Czech Republic, the aim of which is to present in a concentrated form data on crime trends, comments on these data based on longer time series and views on selected areas of crime based on the results of its own research activities. This publication attempts for the first time to provide a brief view of the development of society over the past five years, including in terms of the main economic indicators as published by the Czech Statistical Office and some other state authorities, i.e. a view of the specific context of the development of crime and, consequently, of criminal policy. The reactions of the public as expressed in opinion polls are also presented.
The first part is traditionally based mainly on statistics from the Police of the Czech Republic, followed by an overview of the development of criminal policy in the Czech Republic. As always, there is a chapter on youth crime and criminal policy towards youth. The data are based on available statistical data from the Ministries of Justice, Interior and Prisons, including the so-called non-standard data processed at the request of the IKSP. The annual documents of the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office and the Government of the Czech Republic, data published by the Czech Statistical Office, data on foreigners' crime and migration (source of the Police of the Czech Republic), data from research conducted by the Centre for Public Opinion Research, as well as relevant findings from studies and research conducted by other institutions were also used. After a certain time gap, the book includes the issue of victims of crime and new findings concerning perpetrators of partner violence. Both of these chapters are based on the results of IKSP research projects completed in 2023. The analysis concludes with traditional chapters on alien crime and the evolution of organized crime. Appendices in the form of tables and graphs complement the factual component of the publication.
Miroslav Scheinost a kol.
Edition series STUDIE
Year of publication
Czech Republic: crime: penal policy: trends