Juvenile Probation Programmes
The book presents the results of the research of the Institute for Criminology and Social Prevention, which dealt with the experience of the application of educational measures introduced by Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on Juvenile Justice, specifically probation programmes. On the basis of an expert survey of programme providers and probation officers, an analysis of statistical data or an analysis of a sample of criminal files on cases where a probation programme had been imposed, it was possible to offer some recommendations for practice, among others. The research included a mapping of recidivism among offenders who participated in an accredited probation programme in 2006, half (52%) of whom committed further offences in the following four years.
Rozum, Jan: Kotulan, Petr: Tomášek, Jan
Edition series STUDIE
Year of publication
probation programmes: Act No. 218/2003 Coll. (Juvenile Justice Act): juvenile offenders: the Probation and Mediation Service: recidivism