Effectiveness of Supervision Concerning Conditionally Released Persons

The publication summarises the results of research conducted in 2006-2007 on the institution of supervised release. It included an analysis of statistical data, a questionnaire survey among probation officers and social probation officers, an analysis of criminal record data and an analysis of court files. The results show that the high recidivism rate of parolees is a major problem. Shortcomings can also be observed in the practice of supervision itself, especially in the area of cooperation between probation officers and the court. In addition, the Czech Republic lacks an adequate supply of appropriate resocialisation and other measures for released persons.
Rozum, Jan: Kotulan, Petr: Tomášek, Jan
Edition series STUDIE
Year of publication
parole: effectivness of parole: supervision of a probation officer: Probation and mediation service: recidivism: resocialization programmes