Analysis of crime trends in the Czech Republic in 2016
The publication presents basic statistical indicators of criminal activity in the Czech Republic and analyzes trends until 2016. It also deals with the development of criminal and sanctioning policy in the Czech Republic. It also deals more deeply with two specific categories of offenders and the criminal activities committed by them - persons under 18 and foreigners. The activity of the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic in the field of alternative punishments is also mapped. It contains selected information about victims of crime and some data about suicides. The specialist book is complemented by a number of graphs and tables, including appendices, following previous analyzes of crime trends. Available data from the entire criminal justice system are used.
Diblíková, Simona:Hulmáková, Jana:Večerka, Kazimír:Scheinost, Miroslav:Karban, Michal:Martinková, Milada
Editorial series STUDIE
Year of publication
criminality trends:statistics of crime:sanction policy:juvenile crime:alternatives