Analysis of crime trends in the Czech Republic in 2021
This annual publication, produced by the Institute for Criminology and Social Prevention, analyses crime trends in the Czech Republic and presents a concentrated set of data on the development of crime and criminal policy in the Czech Republic from available statistical databases in the Czech Republic, from its own research activities and from other sources. It includes commentaries on these data, supplemented by a look at longer development series. Also included are chapters on selected issues of the prison system, specifically the application of the institution of protective custody and an evaluation of the pilot project of the so-called open prison in Jiřice. After several years, the analysis also includes a look at the development of drug crime. As always, there is a chapter on youth crime and criminal policy towards youth, this time expanded by a probe into the issue of adolescent girls placed in the Diagnostic Institute and the Centre for Educational Care. The analysis also captures the impact of the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic, based on statistics and our own investigations and using analytical and research materials from other institutions and organizations. Chapters on alien crime and the evolution of organized crime are also included. Appendices in the form of tables and graphs complement the factual component of the publication.
Scheinost, Miroslav:Diblíková, Simona:Hulmáková, Jana:Večerka, Kazimír:Biedermanová, Eva:Blatníková, Šárka:Zeman, Petr
Editorial Series STUDIE
Year of publication
crime:penal policy:development:Czech Republic
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