Drug crime and the criminal code
The monograph brings the results of a three-year research aimed at evaluating the impact of the adoption of the Criminal Code on the detection and punishment of primary drug crime. It contains a comparison of the legislation in the Criminal Code with the situation before 2010 and a description of the current development of the related criminal law institutes, while not neglecting an excursion into the situation abroad and at the transnational level. It deals with the practical application of legislation by law enforcement authorities, describes and analyzes the state, development and forms of drug crime in the Czech Republic. It also reflects on the connections between the development of drug crime legislation and the development of anti-drug policy as a whole. In addition to the legal regulation, the authors relied mainly on detailed statistical overviews of crime, relevant analytical and strategic materials of state bodies and institutions, and the results of an extensive expert questionnaire survey.
Zeman, Petr:Štefunková, Michaela:Trávníčková, Ivana
Editorial series STUDIE
Year of publication
drug offences:Penal Code:re-codification:narcotic and psychotropic substances