Crime and gender
This publication, which is part of the PRAMENY series, offers a translation of a research study on the representation of men and women in international crime statistics. Through the analysis of statistical data, the authors offer information and answers to questions about the relationship between crime and gender, against the background of official statistical surveys. Findings from a global perspective and then specifically in the European setting have been included. The study aims to establish the extent to which men and women are represented in the criminal justice process, from their identification as suspects to the imposition of sentences and the imposition and execution of prison sentences. Another important purpose of the entire report was to show the differences in the number of offenders by gender and to examine trends in these differences over a specified time period. Last but not least, the study aims to present indicators of 'attrition', i.e. a kind of 'natural attrition' of cases that occurs during the different phases of criminal proceedings, and to compare the differences in these indicators, again depending on gender.
Heiskanen, Markku: Lietonen, Anni
Editorial series PRAMENY
Year of publication